Release: Aug. 2016
- build against libruntimeiospatch 1.5.3
- rename "SD Gecko" to "SD Card Debug Log" in Settings
- rename "Wifi Gecko" to "Wifi Debug Log" in Settings
- only scan list of available IOS once per session
- disable 'SD Card Gecko' by default (debug log on SD Card),
because it's causing a MASSIVE slow down when opening an
app's details dialog the first time in a session, when
using a shitty class 2 or whatever SD Card
- fixed that newly build vWii forwarder accidently was the
same than the Wii forwarder
- fixup BootMii (IOS) detection on Wii
- fixup showing device icon for apps
- add ISO0 (any version) to list of known stub IOS
(it's a custom IOS installed by several old apps)
- update german translation
- fix size and layout of device prompt in vWii builds
- remove 'All' button from device prompt in vWii builds
- re-enable 'SD Gecko' setting in vWii builds
- support for Wii U Pro Controller trough FIX94's libwupc
- support for Wii U Pro Controller in the installer
- treat Y button on Game Cube Controller, Classic Controller
and Wii U Pro Controller like 1 button on the Wii Remote
- treat X button on Game Cube Controller, Classic Controller
and Wii U Pro Controller like 2 button on the Wii Remote
- press Z on Game Cube Controller or L Classic Controller or
Wii U Pro Controller to open Settings menu
- press R on Classic Controller or Wii U Pro Controller to
open External Applications menu (no unused button left for
Game Cube Controller)
- press ZL on the Classic Controller or Wii U Pro Controller to
open the device selection prompt (no unused button left for
Game Cube Controller)
- press ZR on the Classic Controller or Wii U Pro Controller to
open the system selection prompt (no unused button left for
Game Cube Controller) [only on Wii]
- previously only the first controller was honoured, now all
four are being connected, though only the first one of each
kind (Wii Remote, Game Cube Controller or Wii U Pro Controller)
can be used, each additional non-unique controller is ignored
- in partition mounter replace debug_printf with xprintf
- disable several DVD and Memory Card related functions in vWii
- don't initialize DVD drive on start in vWii builds
- allow 'SD Gecko' and 'Wifi Gecko' in parallel
- update german translation
- built against libruntimeiospatch 1.5.2
- fixed loading newly downloaded HomebrewFilter from online update of standalone builds
- always return 0 (not found) for bootmii on vWii
- add IOS5 rev 65280 to list of stub IOS
- fix Settings Editor GUI path for SD Gecko in GC MC Slot A
- fix 'Exit to Wii U menu' not visible in vWii builds
- hide 'SD Gecko' setting in vWii builds
- various Makefile improvements
- other minor or internal changes
- built against libruntimeiospatch 1.5.1
- apply XFLAGS (flag specifying build-type (Wii/vWii,
installer/forwarder) to CXXFLAGS not just CFLAGS
* this will speed up HBF on vWii.
x only the first time you choose an application will
delay 1 or 2 seconds (as we are scanning all available
IOSes, for you to choose a different IOS to start an
application with, before it always delayed)
x same for external launchers menu
x no more delay when opening the settings
* this will fix upgrading HBF via network on vWii.
x previously it was accidently downloading the Wii version
* this will fix upgrading standalone HBF via network.
x previously it was accidently downloading the installer
* ... yeah, one variable, huge impact ...
- move creation of distribution files into dist/
- bump channel version to 44 (accidently skipped for 43)
- added chinese translation and font file (thanks to kavid)
- fixed downloading japanese font file from server
- add "Return to Wii U menu" in vWii versions
- disable reading Homewbrew from DVD on vWii
- display GC-MemoryCard symbol in app-info-dialog on real
Wii, if device icon is enabled in settings
- Fixed bug that made HBF search for Settings Editor GUI
on DVD, GCA and GCB, even if already found on SD or USB
- Set "Settings.{dvd,gca,gcb}_insert" to false on vWii
- changed default options:
* disable checking for new version automatically
* enable sd-card debug logging
- added option for choosing whether bootmii boot2 is
installed (adds "Load BootMii (Boot2)" in Exit-Prompt
- black-listed v65280 of IOS254 (if that version is
installed there's no "Load BootMii (IOS)" anymore in Exit-Prompt
- ensure 'Launch Priiloader' is only shown if Priiloader
is really installed (in some cases it could appear even
if Priiloader hasn't been installed)
- fixed a bug that caused black-screen then returning into
HBF from app loaded with <ahb_access/>
- build separate vWii-version using FIX94s NAND-Loader (still using
modified Waninkoko NAND-Loader on real Wii)
- build using libruntimeiospatch 1.3
- vWii version does disable functions not applicable von vWii
- installer now falls back to IOS236 if there's no HW_AHBPROT access
- updated HBF0 (forwarder for standalone version) with FIX94 forwarder
12.7 (both Wii/vWii) and FIX94 NAND-Loader (vWii only)
- Update-System for standalone-versions now available
- Settings can now be saved when using HBF0 channel aswell
- "Restart HBF" does now distinguish between HBF0 and THBF
- about-dialog now shows the HBF flavour (Wii/vWii, forwarder/fullchannel)
- "Return to" from homebrews into HBF0 works again
Homebrew Filter - Installer r47
Der Homebrew Filter ist eine Homebrew Channel alternative mit erweiterten Funktionen.