WiiFlow Die USB Loader Anleitung

Dieses Thema im Forum "Wii Anleitungen" wurde erstellt von Noli, 29. Dezember 2011.

  1. merlin1963

    merlin1963 Guest

    hier einmal ein großes Lob und dickes Danke für die Anleitung. Hat alles bestens geklappt.
  2. WOWI1978

    WOWI1978 Guest

    das Spiel arvest Moon reagiert nicht auf den Nunchuk,was kann ich da machen
  3. Laurin

    Laurin New Member

    Hallo zuammen,

    bin nicht ganz neu in diesem Forum, konnte aber bisher Dank der hervorragenden Anleitungen alle Probleme selbst lösen.
    Seit gestern ist dies nun nicht mehr der Fall. Meine Wii ist seit ca. 10 Monaten in dem Zustand dass die Festplatte alle unsere Spiel beherbergt und über Wiiflow alles wunderbat aufzurufen war. Nun wird die Festplatte nicht mehr erkannt und Spielpartition steht auf "SD" wenn ich in den Einstellungen auf das USB Symbol gehe. Im Wiiflow Menue steht unter Einstellungen - Spielpartition "nand". Ein Wechsel der Partition ist nicht möglich. Ich weiß nciht so richtig wo ich hinfassen soll, da auch im Forum das Problem so meines Wissens noch nicht aufgetreten ist.
    Bitte Hilfe - danke im Voraus!
  4. New28

    New28 Member Mitarbeiter Moderator

    versuche es mal mit dem neuen WiiFlow.
    Du könntest aber auch mal einen anderen Loader versuchen, z.B. den GX oder CFG.
    Falls das auch nicht funktionieren sollte, mal die HDD am Pc anschließen, auf Eigenschaften der HDD gehen, dann auf die Option Tools, Fehlerüberprüfung und Jetzt Prüfen.
  5. Laurin

    Laurin New Member

    Vielen Dank für den Hinweis.

    Habe die SD neu aufgeseztz mit den in der Anleitung angegebenen Loadern und es funktioniert wieder alles. Muss lediglich die Spiele von Sprache " Standard"auf "deutsch" einstellen.
  6. wii_torti

    wii_torti New Member

    Hallo zusammen,

    ich bin ein Neuling in sachen Wii. Habe mir eine Wii ersteigert mit aktueller Firmware 4.3E ! Da ich, meine Frau und unsere Kids gerne Spielen, hab ich mal gegoogelt wie man geburnte Spiele spielen kann. Bin dann hier gelandet und hab mich mal umgeschaut. Habe erst das Wii Homebrew Komplettpaket installiert und wollte eine Externe Festplatte anschließen - Gescheitert - dann irgendwelche IOS etc. aber ging immernoch nicht. Dann heute morgen wollte ich diese WiiFlow Paket hier installen. Ging zwar, aber wenn ich die WiiFlow starte, bleibt er bei Laden stehn, und es tut sich nichts mehr.

    Wie kann ich endlich meine Wii mit WiiFlow nutzen, damit diese hin und her installen ein Ende hat. Bitte helft mir, bin ratlos momentan. Kann ich die Wii zurücksetzen das alles gelöscht ist, und ich von vorne anfangen kann, oder was mach ich am besten jetzt damit auch Ich das WiiFlow Paket nutzen kann, die Festplatte mit Spielen befüllen kann und spielen kann, und gebrannte Spiele abspielen kann.

    Hier ist mal ein Syscheck von meine Wii.

    sysCheck v2.1.0b18 von Double_A und R2-D2199
    ...laeuft auf dem IOS58 (rev 6176).

    Region: PAL
    Systemmenue 4.3E (v514)
    Priiloader installiert
    Laufwerksdatum: 14.07.2008
    Homebrewkanal 1.1.0 benutzt IOS58
    Hollywood v0x11
    Konsolen-ID: 110397403
    Boot2 v4
    Es wurden 83 Titel gefunden.
    Es wurden 48 IOS gefunden, von denen 9 funktionslos (Stub) sind.

    IOS4 (rev 65280): Funktionslos (Stub)
    IOS9 (rev 1034): Keine Patches
    IOS10 (rev 768): Funktionslos (Stub)
    IOS11 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Zugriff
    IOS12 (rev 526): Keine Patches
    IOS13 (rev 1032): Keine Patches
    IOS14 (rev 1032): Keine Patches
    IOS15 (rev 1032): Keine Patches
    IOS16 (rev 512): Funktionslos (Stub)
    IOS17 (rev 1032): Keine Patches
    IOS20 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Zugriff
    IOS21 (rev 1039): Keine Patches
    IOS22 (rev 1294): Keine Patches
    IOS28 (rev 1807): Keine Patches
    IOS30 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Zugriff
    IOS31 (rev 3608): Keine Patches
    IOS33 (rev 3608): Keine Patches
    IOS34 (rev 3608): Keine Patches
    IOS35 (rev 3608): Keine Patches
    IOS36 (rev 3608): Keine Patches
    IOS37 (rev 5663): Keine Patches
    IOS38 (rev 4124): Keine Patches
    IOS40 (rev 3072): Funktionslos (Stub)
    IOS41 (rev 3607): Keine Patches
    IOS43 (rev 3607): Keine Patches
    IOS45 (rev 3607): Keine Patches
    IOS46 (rev 3607): Keine Patches
    IOS48 (rev 4124): Keine Patches
    IOS50 (rev 14889): Trucha Bug, NAND Zugriff
    IOS51 (rev 4864): Funktionslos (Stub)
    IOS52 (rev 5888): Funktionslos (Stub)
    IOS53 (rev 5663): Keine Patches
    IOS55 (rev 5663): Keine Patches
    IOS56 (rev 5662): Keine Patches
    IOS57 (rev 5919): Keine Patches
    IOS58 (rev 6176): USB 2.0
    IOS60 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Zugriff
    IOS61 (rev 5662): Keine Patches
    IOS70 (rev 16687): Trucha Bug, NAND Zugriff
    IOS80 (rev 16944): Trucha Bug, NAND Zugriff
    IOS202[60] (rev 65535, Info: hermesrodries-v6): Trucha Bug, NAND Zugriff, USB 2.0
    IOS222[38] (rev 65535, Info: hermes-v5): Trucha Bug, ES Identify, NAND Zugriff, USB 2.0
    IOS223 (rev 65280): Funktionslos (Stub)
    IOS224[57] (rev 65535, Info: hermesrodries-v6): Trucha Bug, NAND Zugriff, USB 2.0
    IOS236[36] (rev 65535, Info: rev 3351): Trucha Bug, ES Identify, NAND Zugriff
    IOS249 (rev 65280): Funktionslos (Stub)
    IOS250 (rev 65280): Funktionslos (Stub)
    IOS254 (rev 65281): BootMii
    BC v6
    MIOS v10

    Bericht wurde am 17.10.2012 generiert.
  7. New28

    New28 Member Mitarbeiter Moderator

    Da die meisten Loader auf dem IOS/CIOS 249 laufen, mußt Du dir noch dieses Update Paket installieren.
    Nimm dazu gleich den Multi Mod Manager, den Du auf der SD-Karte schon haben solltest.
    Achtung auf eigene Gefahr!
  8. wii_torti

    wii_torti New Member

    Vielen Dank !

    Und was muss ich mit dem Update Paket machen? Muss ich es auf die SD Karte ziehen? Aber wohin auf die SD Karte. Und was muss ich im Anschluss machen? Sorry, aber bin totaler Neuling und kenne mich nur wenig damit aus.

    Wäre sehr nett von Dir für die Hilfe.
  9. Goosemit2oo

    Goosemit2oo New Member


    hahaha... schick das teil her und in 1std läuft deine Wii... macht 25€ + Porto...

    muuuuhahaha... wer die IOS'e löscht sollte sie auch wieder draufspuiln... siehe IOS 223...

    Iss keine Entschuldigung... lesen soll angeblich bilden und Rom wurde auch nicht an einem Tag erbaut... und wenn du keine nette Buchstütze haben möchtest weil so ne Wii geht auch sehr schnell in Rauch auf... dann solltest du dich wenigstens etwas einlesen... was und wie du was machst... denn fahrrad fahren mußtest du auch erst üben...

    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 18. Oktober 2012
  10. FetteMangoLPs

    FetteMangoLPs New Member

    Ich war in den Sommerferien bei Verwanten und wollten Super Smash Bros Brawl auf ein USB Stick Kopieren.
    Bei dem Installieren des Forwarders habe ich es gestartet und es hat nicht gefunzt(bei FW 4.3U).
    Nur ich habe das Problem das es eine NTSC-U version ist und ein Patch machen wollte und es in Deutsch machen wollte.
    Wie kann ich diesen Fehler beheben?
  11. Sannyboy87

    Sannyboy87 New Member

    Hallo, erstmal danke für die tolle Anleitung.
    Ich habe folgendes Problem, ich kann in Wiiflow die Spiel Partion nicht ändern, es steht immer auf SD.
    Habe alle Daten, von "auf USB Platte kopieren" auf die Platte kopiert, davor die Festplatte im normalen Modus NTFS formatiert.
    Wenn ich auf Spiel installieren drücke, kopiert er mir diese auf die SD Karte und wenn ich das Spiel starten möchte kommt ein Fehler
    "exception occurred".

    Danke im vorraus für die Hilfe.
  12. New28

    New28 Member Mitarbeiter Moderator

  13. Sannyboy87

    Sannyboy87 New Member

    Hallo, ich kann das kopierte Spiel nicht starten bzw. komm nicht mal ins Menü wo ich das starten kann.
    Im Klartext, ich drück auf das kopierte Spiel und es kommt gleich ein schwarzer Bildschirm mit der Aufschrift: "exception occurred"
    Neue Version von WiiFlow habe ich schon installiert und ausprobiert. Leider das gleich Problem.

    Habe es auch mit USB Louder GX versucht, es kommt der gleiche Fehler.

    Hier mein sysCheck:

    sysCheck v2.1.0b18 von Double_A und R2-D2199
    ...laeuft auf dem IOS58 (rev 6176).

    Region: PAL
    Systemmenue 4.3E (v514)
    Priiloader installiert
    Laufwerksdatum: 18.12.2008
    Homebrewkanal 1.0.8 benutzt IOS58
    Hollywood v0x21
    Konsolen-ID: 145508903
    Boot2 v4
    Es wurden 97 Titel gefunden.
    Es wurden 54 IOS gefunden, von denen 6 funktionslos (Stub) sind.

    IOS3 (rev 65280): Funktionslos (Stub)
    IOS4 (rev 65280): Funktionslos (Stub)
    IOS9 (rev 1034): Keine Patches
    IOS10 (rev 768): Funktionslos (Stub)
    IOS11 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Zugriff
    IOS12 (rev 526): Keine Patches
    IOS13 (rev 1032): Keine Patches
    IOS14 (rev 1032): Keine Patches
    IOS15 (rev 1032): Keine Patches
    IOS16 (rev 512): Funktionslos (Stub)
    IOS17 (rev 1032): Keine Patches
    IOS20 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Zugriff
    IOS21 (rev 1039): Keine Patches
    IOS22 (rev 1294): Keine Patches
    IOS28 (rev 1807): Keine Patches
    IOS30 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Zugriff
    IOS31 (rev 3608): Keine Patches
    IOS33 (rev 3608): Keine Patches
    IOS34 (rev 3608): Keine Patches
    IOS35 (rev 3608): Keine Patches
    IOS36 (rev 3608, Info: rev 3351): Trucha Bug, ES Identify, NAND Zugriff
    IOS37 (rev 5663): Keine Patches
    IOS38 (rev 4124): Keine Patches
    IOS40[60] (rev 65535, Info: rev 6174): Trucha Bug
    IOS41 (rev 3607): Keine Patches
    IOS43 (rev 3607): Keine Patches
    IOS45 (rev 3607): Keine Patches
    IOS46 (rev 3607): Keine Patches
    IOS48 (rev 4124): Keine Patches
    IOS50 (rev 14889): Trucha Bug, NAND Zugriff
    IOS51 (rev 4864): Funktionslos (Stub)
    IOS52 (rev 5888): Funktionslos (Stub)
    IOS53 (rev 5663): Keine Patches
    IOS55 (rev 5663): Keine Patches
    IOS56 (rev 5662): Keine Patches
    IOS57 (rev 5919): Keine Patches
    IOS58 (rev 6176): USB 2.0
    IOS60 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Zugriff
    IOS61 (rev 5662): Keine Patches
    IOS70 (rev 16687): Trucha Bug, NAND Zugriff
    IOS80 (rev 16944): Trucha Bug, NAND Zugriff
    IOS202[60] (rev 65535, Info: hermes-v5.1): Trucha Bug, NAND Zugriff, USB 2.0
    IOS222[38] (rev 65535, Info: hermes-v5.1): Trucha Bug, ES Identify, NAND Zugriff, USB 2.0
    IOS223[37] (rev 65535, Info: hermes-v5.1): Trucha Bug, NAND Zugriff, USB 2.0
    IOS224[57] (rev 65535, Info: hermes-v5.1): Trucha Bug, NAND Zugriff, USB 2.0
    IOS236[36] (rev 65535, Info: rev 3351): Trucha Bug, ES Identify, NAND Zugriff
    IOS245[37] (rev 21008, Info: d2x-v8final): Trucha Bug, NAND Zugriff, USB 2.0
    IOS246[38] (rev 21008, Info: d2x-v8final): Trucha Bug, ES Identify, NAND Zugriff
    IOS247[53] (rev 21008, Info: d2x-v8final): Trucha Bug, NAND Zugriff, USB 2.0
    IOS248[55] (rev 21008, Info: d2x-v8final): Trucha Bug, NAND Zugriff, USB 2.0
    IOS249[56] (rev 21008, Info: d2x-v8final): Trucha Bug, NAND Zugriff, USB 2.0
    IOS250[57] (rev 21008, Info: d2x-v8final): Trucha Bug, NAND Zugriff, USB 2.0
    IOS251[58] (rev 21008, Info: d2x-v8final): Trucha Bug, NAND Zugriff, USB 2.0
    IOS254 (rev 65281): BootMii
    BC v6
    MIOS v10

    Bericht wurde am 03.11.2012 generiert.

    Vielleicht kann ja jemand damit was anfangen.

    Danke an alle die Sich damit beschäftigen.
  14. New28

    New28 Member Mitarbeiter Moderator

    Also dein Syscheck ist okay.
    Hast Du die HDD am richtigen Port angeschlossen?
    Welches Format und was für ein Usb Anschluss hat die HDD?(3.0?)
    Welche Loaderversion wird benutzt?
    Nimm mal den UsbLoaderGX!
    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 5. November 2012
  15. otti_91

    otti_91 New Member

    In der neuen Version von wiiflow ist ja ein Gamecube Symbol vorhanden. Was hat das für neue Funktionen und wieso steht bei mir "disabled" drunter?
  16. New28

    New28 Member Mitarbeiter Moderator

    Lies doch einfach mal die Changelog, vielleicht kannst du da etwas erfahren.
    Wiiflow 4.0.2 (r432)
    Here is 4.0.2 for you guys, lemme give the whole long changelog:
    -corrected a bug that the usb hdd does not get hooked up properly after IOS reload
    -increased usable memory of wiiflow
    -made channel launching alot of more safe, problems with it should be gone
    -fixed cheats in wiiware/virtual console
    -if wii gets turned off do a full shutdown and ignore standby
    -added thread for IOS58 mode which reads a random sector from the usb hdd every second if the hdd is more than 20 seconds idle to keep it alive
    -fixed game boots if you just press a and the pointer is off screen
    -fixed problems with controlling menu via dpad
    -fixed wii game installer
    -added music resume after ios reload/enabling nand emulator
    -draw button text the same way as labels to fix problems with displaying things like _ or '
    -added message about current song playing on song start/change, it will fly in for 3 seconds and then fly out again
    -fixed possible crashes with "force_cios_load" option
    -added simple check if we are in dolphin-emu mode, no need to define something or recompile wiiflow (thanks skidau)
    -general code cleanup, speedup
    Because I'm too lazy atm to properly check all changes I'll just copy paste in the changes from the other devs :p
    Changes from OverjoY:
    -Fixed Nand Emulation from SD-card
    -Fixed "CheckSave" functions
    -Fixed feature to flash a save file from emulated NAND back to real NAND
    -Some minor code cleanups and bug fixes Because support for Wiiflow is currently only available in uneek2o and uneek2o is only able to use emulated nand dumps from the first partition on the USB- device the neek2o options are disabled now if a nand dump from another partition or SD-card is used neek2o: (neek2o r93+ only)
    -Fixed return to channel function for titles on emulated NAND
    -Added an option in wiiflow.ini: launchwiiflow in "NEEK2O" domain If this option is set to "no" the "exit to" option in home menu will launch neek2o SM instead of the "DWFA" channel
    -If the return to channel option is set neek2o will return to that specific title if that title exists on the emulated nand, even if the title was launched
    from real NAND
    Changes from fledge68:
    -Fixed homebrew mode saving current item
    -Fixed favorites_on_startup, renamed it save_favorites_mode, defaults to off set to yes and wiiflow will remember if favorites was on or off for each view/mode, Still can be set on page 4 of config menu
    -Fixed favorites and parental lock for plugins, Parental lock might come in handy for movies
    -And restored save for categories_v4.ini on exit of wiiflow
    -changed categories_v4.ini one last time. Sorry but this should speed up wiiflow when you use categories
    -replacing strings of 0's and 1's with ASCII characters 33 on up, So if you have a game in category 1 and you have 20 categories, instead of a long number all you will see is ! which is way shorter and will take wiiflow much less time to read, Also if a game isn't in any category there will be nothing after the =
    -added categories for individual plugins, Wiiflow checks to see if only one plugin is selected and if so then uses the categories for that one plugin, So for example you can have categories for your movies when you only use the mplayerce plugin

    Wiiflow 4.0.1 (r431)
    Here is 4.0.1, its like a bugfix update, so lets list the fixes:
    -fixed return to wiiflow in ios reloading wii games
    -added support for 3 more 2 disc gamecube games for installing (thanks etheboss)
    -improved wav banner sound loop support
    -auto reload to cIOS on disc game boot for backup disc support
    -fixed possible bug on usb remount if IOS got changed
    -proper shutdown of devices on wiiflow end (boot game, exit to, etc)
    -fixed fatal bug in usb mounting (broken timeout for slow hdds)
    -fixed devolution usage with slow hdds
    Also some more things changed:
    -dont display the base in about in IOS58 mode (because IOS58 base IOS58 is kinda stupid to display :p)
    -now you can have as many categories as you want.
    -copied the idea of selected, hidden, and required categories from USB Loader GX. Thanks Cyan. Checkmark = selected, X = Hidden, and + = Required.
    -redid categories.ini layout and renamed it categories_v4.ini so you can copy and paste settings from the old one to the new one. Each view (USB,DML,EMU,NAND,HOMEBREW) has it's own numcategories, category names, and category settings. All games are now seperated based on the view. Don't forget to add 1 to numcategories for the show All mode.
    -Replaced All checkbox with CLEAR button which clears all checkboxes so no category is selected and all games will be shown.
    -Added features to the Game Selected Categories Menu. Now the title is the title of the current game. You can now press plus(+) and minus(-) on wiimote to go to the next or previous games without going back to previous screen making it easier to setup categories for your games.
    note: all changes will not be saved in categories_v4.ini unless you exit wiiflow or launch a game.
    -language and help files updated (thanks to all translators)
    -temporary disabled internal wiiflow update feature
    That may be not much, but I'm sure it'll increase stability and usability for you guys.

    Wiiflow 4.0 (r430)
    So yea hello everyone, you see that right, here is some update for you, and this
    time its really badass
    Because they are too many changes from the previous revision I will list the
    features you now have in 4.0, thats the easiest thing:
    -Booting Wii games from SD, USB, as partition you can use FAT32, NTFS, EXT2 and
    -Use Savegame Emulation for Wii games, that means no need to use real NAND for
    most wii games to save on
    -Boot GameCube games, with the help of DIOS-MIOS Lite, DIOS-MIOS or Devolution,
    for DIOS-MIOS (Lite) just install its wad, for Devolution just put the
    loader.bin from the source package into your device:/wiiflow folder and set your
    games to boot via Devolution
    -Boot Wii Channels, you can boot them via either your real NAND or emulated
    NAND, currently the emulated NAND only works from USB, the SD support is broken
    for some reason, you can boot them via wiiflows internal loader or neek2o
    -Boot Homebrew, no matter which Homebrew Application you boot, wiiflow supports
    them all
    -A Plugin System, that means you can play NES, SNES etc directly from wiiflow
    using these plugins (see the downloads section for the most up-to-date package)
    -A really cool design thing, Banner support! WiiFlow will automatically load and
    cache them, you also can create custom banners, see the new wiiflow folder
    structure, the names are self explaining, both ID6 and ID3 is supported
    -FINALLY, background music works for everyone and is as stable as it was never
    before, both mp3 and ogg works, and it goes through subfolders to find it
    -A new boot animation, it looks pretty awesome and you guys will hopefully like
    To all the minor things:
    -You can use ocarina cheats in both Wii and GameCube games
    -You can return to wiiflow with installing the forwarder channel and set return
    to WiiFlow in global settings
    -You can download covers for Wii games, Gamecube games and for some emulator
    -You can still use themes of course, also switching themes works fine from now
    -You dont need to use d2x only anymore, you can boot wii games via d2x,
    waninkoko and hermes cIOS just fine
    -You pretty much dont need a cIOS at all if you want to play Gamecube, Homebrew
    or Plugin games, wiiflow runs via IOS58 and AHBPROT as well, only Wii games and
    NAND emulation need one
    -You can run WiiFlow from real NAND, neek2o and Dolphin-Emulator (if you compile
    it for Dolphin)
    -You can play and install both Wii and GameCube games directly from disc
    -You have a home menu where you can reload cache, read wiiflows help, exit
    wiiflow, see the about screen, enter the settings,...
    I think these are the MAIN features which are important to mention, they are
    alot of more, find out for yourself whats all inside
    Thanks a bunch to the whole team, that release is by FIX94, OverjoY, Fledge68,
    Yardape8000, entropy, xFede, Drexyl, and of course thanks to everyone who
    contributed something, I would like to mention all but that list would get too
    long :p

    Wiiflow 3.1 mod r663
    -using wait animation of spayrosam now (happy everyone?)

    -fixed installing gamecube games with a disc two
    -fixed booting wii games in neek mode (thanks skidau for finding the problem)

    -oops fail
    -set wiiflow optimize level to -O3 (4mb dol who cares :p)

    -fixed bug wiiflow retries to install a gamecube game which is already installed without possibility to stop it
    -disable full screen banner in plugin and homebrew coverflow ( issue 110 )

    -fixed wiiflow crash on installing gamecube games with ":" in name ( issue 98 )

    -reloading IOS to IOS58 before booting homebrew/devolution
    -added AHBPROT patch before reloading to IOS58 (thanks postloader)

    -improved homebrew boot compatility

    -fixed wii game installer

    - Now we can hold 'b' for source menu even if wiimote gestures is enabled. Which means we should be able to remove 'b' on home button and 'b' on mode button.

    - fixed holding 'b' for source menu. Now if you hold 'b' and press the d-pad, plus, or minus buttons the source menu won't show up until you release the 'b' button and hold it again with out pressing any other wiimote buttons.

    - Fix for music only playing one song and stopping.

    -corrected two wrong numbers in sound buffer and video message thread stack

    -removed a few unneeded lines of code

    -smalled down the search for music files alot (dol = 5kb smaller)

    -fixed the background music issue FINALLY the correct way, found the core of the problem
    -made background music code easier and smaller, cleaned it up

    -set the wait message priority to the highest, that should remove the problem of the lagging wait message (since the wait message doesnt take much wii power wiiflows speed should be the same)
    -set down wait message stack and also removed the reallocation of the stack again and again on every display of it
    -added security check that the wait message thread is finished before removing the thread (should prevent freezes)
    -removed a few more unneeded lines of code

    - separated help text from about text and added a 'help' button to the home menu. updated english text.

    -fixed wiiflow reboot crashes after new theme selection
    -may fixed some boot problems of games, channels, homebrew, etc

    -added support for banners without existing sound

    -fixed banners random crashes and codedumps
    -WIP commit for wii game/channel booting, now uses a internal extra dol file to boot wii games and channels, that should be a better way to fix game and channel booting

    -added looping of banner wav sound files (its not 100% exact as you will hear but better than no looping at all)

    -added banner sound support for avatar and maybe more games

    -fixed neek2o mode (oops)

    -removed alot of unneeded cIOS checks, saving the info about our currently loaded cIOS instead
    -fixed bug of missing remount if no games are found with enabled NAND emulation which made wiiflow hang
    -added information for neek2o
    -removed ios reload on boot when wiiflow is in neek2o mode
    -made NAND file extraction MEM2 only
    -fixed two not free'd memory allocations which could fill the memory with unused stuff

    -fixed banner keeps playing on delete game ( issue 117 )
    -small changes on wii game booting

    -fixed short displayed greenscreen on wiiflow boot

    -added some trick to get all wii games to work without booting problems or blackscreens (test it please)
    -changed play button in full screen banner back to the right side (jiiwah, why you changed that? It's right in the system menu)

    -cleaned up startup code for main menu.
    -fixed spelling mistakes in menu_cftheme.

    -now source menu only uses 12 buttons instead of 36. Just changes textures when changing pages. The source_menu.ini will still have up to 36 buttons.
    -now source menu looks for images in current theme folder first, then source_menu folder. All images must be named the same as what's in the
    source_menu.ini. If not found in either folder uses wiiflow's favorite star image.
    -removed source menu exit button.

    -send usb gecko data via safe method, to prevent missing prints as it sometimes happend before

    -fixed booting wii games from disc
    -moved a few debug prints, also added disc id check for wii games playing from a wbfs partition (before it just checked on fat32, ntfs and ext2 if the readed in disc is correctly opened from cIOS)
    -made ogg lib using MEM2 only (as we did in the previous update with the sound buffers)

    -improved jpg support, now the cover width and height dont need to be divisible with 4 anymore, you can use what you want
    -moved sound buffers back in mem2, idk but for wiiflow it gives a better result
    -added mem2 memalign placeholder for new memory manager (after a week still everything but finished)
    -updated other small things, cleaned up source structure a bit

    - Change of effects and dimensions for some labels and buttons to match better with default theme
    - Change DEFAULT to default in menu.cpp
    - Updated french.ini

    -source for updated stub (thanks megazig)

    -update wiiflow stub (thanks alot to megazig for it!)
    -devolution will now return to wiiflow using the hidden channel
    -added megazig to thanks list
    -allocating memory for devolution instead of using a fixed position (seems to work just fine now)

    * Updated spanish.ini (thanks Difk)
    * Added spanish help file (thanks Difk)

    * Updated chinese_s.ini (thanks kavid)
    * Added a missing line in italian.ini

    -cover cache fine tuning :p

    -set down cover display limit from over 800 (wtf) to 160

    -fixed DIOS-MIOS and iso usage


    -changed the memory management yet again, now just use the mem which has enough space left instead of fixed memory in most parts
    -fixed alot of things about banner playing, now shouldnt randomly codedump anymore or things like this, also some banner sounds which did not play before should work fine now
    -removed unused code and added better debug prints
    -using some fixed voice for game banner and not always a new one per banner
    -fixed DIOS-MIOS cheats for sure now :p
    -fixed possible memory allocation bug in wbfs alloc (thanks to cfg-loader)
    -removed MEM2_memalign since it did not work correctly
    -fixed a few wrong memset sizes

    -stupid svn missed a file :p

    -fixed cheats usage for DIOS-MIOS
    -added more checks to prevent codedumps on gc banner creation

    Language files updated for r611+ :
    - danish.ini (thx nibb)
    - dutch.ini (thx Etheboss)
    - english.ini
    - french.ini
    - italian.ini (thx xFede)

    -removed unneeded device mounting on wii and channel booting (should fix games like black ops)
    -fixed booting wii games from sd card

    Making things ready for official wiiflow svn
    -made wait animation faster
    -removed a few unneeded lines in the wait message code
    -fixed booting wii games from disc
    -fixed possible bug in wii game launching in general
    -gecko output again on wii game booting
    -converted alot of spaces to tabs, fitting the general wiiflow coding style
    -general cleaning up things

    -writing priiloader magic word into new memory region as well now for priiloader 0.8 beta 4

    -updated library sources

    -updated freetype configuration, now the fonts should look like with the old versions again
    -made a few default theme pics to jpg, you wont even notice a difference, just in size :p

    -added jpg file support for game covers and themes, if no .png is found, it will just replace the filename extension with .jpg and try it again, the jpg file width and height need to be divisable with 4, otherwise wiiflow will just ignore the cover

    -removed a few unneeded emu nand lines
    -added option to enable overwrite miis and system config on emu nand with the ones from real nand (disabled by default)

    -added new DIOS-MIOS widescreen patch
    -updated english.ini
    -updated german.ini

    - ISO's for GC games that come with 2 disc are now dumped in 1 folder
    - If a 2 disc GC game is launched with Devolution, tell Devolution the location of the 2nd disc*

    * Use Wiiflow's game installer to backup your GC game

    - Made check for Devolution more safe
    - Added some neek2o magic (neek2o r90+ required*):
    * Added an exit option to neek2o
    * Added an option in gameconfig menu to launch vc/ww titles from wiiflow nand emulation in neek2o instead of cIOS

    -new wait message (thanks jj-kwik for the awesome base)
    -added BASIC jpg support (currently only for internal theme files and only with the power of 4 dimension images)
    -using dvdskin files in jpg format (you wont notice the diff)
    -created new folder in resources for the original theme pngs (@devs: if you update pictures and use jpg, place the original png inside that folder that we have the original one just in case)

    -dont use frag list on wbfs partitions, they are not needed
    -fixed booting games from wbfs via waninkoko cIOS r17 or older
    -fixed partition handle wbfs detection

    -added back debug HDD size/sector info (more fancy this time :p)
    -added debug SD information if found or not and if in __io_wiisd
    mode (for dolphin-emu, neek, hermes ios)
    -added automatically test if __io_wiisd mode works (no need to
    overwrite things anymore to test that)
    -added more intelligent IOS check (stub check, version check)
    -removed unneeded cIOS information in neek mode

    -using force cIOS detection again, should fix problems with some
    fucked up cIOS maps
    -changed the AUTO IOS selection again, if the game doesnt need
    IOS57 it will just use the currently loaded cIOS instead of a
    IOS56 based one

    -fixed some usb hdd problems for people with 3tb+ devices
    introduced with r598

    -lalala (fixed homebrew dol loading)

    -added new option in DML section in wiiflow.ini, dm_r2.1+,
    enabled by default, with the option enabled it will use cfg version
    2 for dm 2.1 or higher, if disabled it uses cfg version 1. It will
    be ignored if dml_r52+ is set to no since that uses the old boot.bin
    method then

    -fixed bug in setting video mode

    -fixed bug in homebrew/plugin booting (plugins most
    likely blackscreen in older revs)
    -moved devolution loader (should fix ingame graphical errors)

    -temporary disable gecko output before booting a wii game
    (hopefully fixes random blackscreens)

    Read more: WiiFlow v4.0.2 - Downloads - MonkeyDesk.at - Wir lieben Homebrew
  17. otti_91

    otti_91 New Member

    Okay, also muss ich nur Dios Mios.wad installiern mit yawm und dann sollten Gamecubespiele laufen oder hab ich das falsch verstanden?
  18. New28

    New28 Member Mitarbeiter Moderator

    Dazu kann ich dir leider nicht helfen, da ich dieses Future nicht nutze.
    Schau mal hier.
  19. Link246

    Link246 New Member


    aba wie installiert man den dvdx channel?
  20. New28

    New28 Member Mitarbeiter Moderator

    Wenn deine Wii ab Oktober 2009 ist, ist es nicht mehr möglich DVD-Filme,
    oder Sicherheitskopien usw. abzuspielen, also ist es auch nicht nötig, das Du dir den DVDX-Channel installierst.
    Alternativ kannst Du WiiMc benutzten, um Fotos, Musik usw. die sich auf deiner HDD befinden anzuschauhen bzw zu hören.
    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 26. November 2012
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