1. Noli
    Ein Super Nintendo Emulator für die Xbox 360

    Snes360 V 0.21 Beta
    Super Nintendo for Xbox 360.
    - Graphics/Sound
    - Achievements (don't be a dumbass and use this on live, your console will be banned)
    - XUI user interface
    - SRAM save support linked to a user profile
    - Filters : Simple2x, Scanlines, TV Mode, Super Eagle, Super 2xSAI, HQ2x
    - Turbo Mode (Right Trigger)
    - Aspect Ratio/Stretch Mode support
    - SaveStates (currently 1 per rom)
    - Previews
    This is an Xbox 360 Game On Demand Package. Unrar it and place it in

    Roms should be placed in the following: (sorry if you dont like the locations but there
    a reason for their locations)

    GAME:\roms\ (dont have to worry about this one since its in the package)

    The PreviewPath tag will specify where you want your Preview Images to be stored.
    Default is hdd:\EMUS\SNES360\Preview\

    Toggle through each device my pressing R-Shoulder in the Rom List.
    Both sticks during game will pause the current rom and open up the In Game Options

    Not Implemented (Yet)
    - Input Button Mapping
    - Favorites support
    - Pixel Shaders to replace Software filters (speed)
    - Cheat support
    - IPS support
    - Multiple ROM Folders
    - Other misc stuff

    This is still an early beta. It may crash in some spots. Most roms run at 60fps.
    Some slowdown occurs - this will be resolved in future builds as more PPC code
    optimizations are implemented.
    More of your favorite emulators/homebrew to come..no donations required...

    kl0wn, Odb718, AutoB0t, r0wdy, Redline99, AngerWound, TJ_CRS, Xenon7
    MomDad, Direw0lf, idc, Arak0n, Devenic, XanTium and all the rest of the
    Xbox Scene! Lets take 360 Scene/Development to the next level in 2010!
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