multiMAN 2.00.04 2017-02-07

multiMAN 2.00.04

  1. Noli

    * User defined options.ini (options_default.ini) to set various options
    * Copy/backup progress bar
    * Support and display for 7 devices (HDD/USB/BD/SDHC/MS/CF)
    * Support for REMOTE PLAY via PSP or other compatible peripherals
    * Animated icons and backgrounds
    * Update check/download feature with [R3] button
    * Support for COVER.PNG in AVCHD video folders
    * Support for AVCHD activation from external USB devices
    * Support for backup of AVCHD to internal HDD
    * Support for playback of AVCHD and Blu-ray content from internal HDD
    * Overscan support for DLP and CRT TV sets
    * MP3/AC3 playback (play songs using the File manager from local and network locations)
    * JPEG/PNG picture viewer (browse/view pictures using the File manager from local and network locations)
    * HEX file viewer
    * Support for at least 4 freetype fonts (user can change using [SELECT]+[R3] in game display modes)


    multiMAN ver 2.00.04

    • Added: Threaded processing for various tasks (downloading covers, scanning, etc) (no more GUI interruptions)
    • Added: XMMB mode will invoke download of missing covers, too
    • Added: Support for Genesis+ GX retro emulator (port by squarepusher2)
    • Added: Support for FCEUltra (NES/ULTRA) PS3 retro emulator (port by squarepusher2)
    • Added: Support for VBA PS3 retro emulator (GameBoy/GameBoy Advanced)
    • Added: Support for PNG covers for Retro column (408×408 max resolution) (408×180 for best results)
    • Added: L2+R2 will turn on screensaver mode (or put the PAD on a table/coach/sofa and press it down gently)
    • Added: Caching of the whole XMMB mode
    • Improved: XMMB Photo column display and navigation (no more image buffers release when full – a lot seamless now)
    • Improved: Navigation in XMMB is completely rewritten – now smooth and faster than original PS3 XMB
    • Improved: Increased image buffers (50 icons/covers) in XMMB (30 in prev versions)
    • Added: Unfolding effect up/down while loading XMMB columns
    • Added: Indication in XMMB mode when FTP service is used or background download is active
    • Added: Warning prompt when user leaves multiMAN with active FTP connections
    • Added: Screensaver Timeout option in XMMB Settings column (1-10 mins)
    • Added: Link to GBATemp website with Online User Manual by Cyan in XMMB WEB column
    • Added: FF/REW for Picture Viewer in XMMB mode (holding left/right or L1/R1)
    • Added: Support for 2048 entries per XMMB column
    • Added: Virtual memory used for certain tasks (like mp3 playback) to save real memory
    • Added: Asnynchroious loading of MP3 files for playback
    • Added: A bit more memory allocated to webbrowser and put it in separate container
    • Added: MP3 playlist support for 2048 entries (was 128)

Letzte Rezensionen

  1. Fox1982
    Version: 2017-02-07
    ist es rat sam ihn zu instalieren?
    muss ich was beachten dabei?
  2. (gelöschter Benutzer)
    Version: 2017-02-07
    ok schön und gut das neue multiMAN ist da !!!
    1. Was ist das was kann man damit machen ?
    2. kann man das zusätzlich zu cfw installieren ?
    3. Ist schon irgent was bekannt wan ein cfw update erscheint ?( brauche 3.61 )

    Bin neu hier und ceck noch gar nicht was man alles mit der PS3 machen kann flipp fast aus vor freude..... aber wein auch weil ich die falsche version/System hab (3.61) ;-)(
  3. gamer12
    Version: 2017-02-07
    welche pkg`s sollte ich bei der full version installieren? die multiman ist mir klar aber wie sieht es mit folgenden aus:
    -genesis plus

    nicht dass ich da was falsch mache :-)

    für eine kurze erläuterung und antwort wäre ich euch sehr dankbar

    danke und glg
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