multiMAN ver 04.18.00 BASE (20130106).zip (104MB)
(also available for download via mM’s Web column)
* multiMAN ver 04.18.00 BASE CEX (20130106).pkg
* multiMAN ver 04.18.00 BASE DEX (20130106).pkg
* multiMAN ver 04.18.00 BASE CEX STEALTH (20130105).zip
* bdRESET4.pkg
* gameDATA4.pkg
* installPKG [SingStar Replacement].pkg
* installPKG.pkg
* lastGAME41.pkg
* Showtime 04.01.307 [CEX].pkg
* Showtime 04.01.307 [DEX].pkg
* stDISC3.pkg
* c2d
* genGP3
* ps3netsrv
* rcp_bdemu
* split4G
p.s. If you download from the WEB column you can go to mmOS and browse to /dev_hdd0/packages and double-click the .zip file. It will be unzipped and you can install the desired version by double-clicking the .pkg.
p.s.2 Both BASE and FULL include AIOMOD.BIN so if you want to get rid of it – delete it like you did before.